About Kurativ CBD

Kurativ began in 2018 with a simple goal: to marry high quality CBD products with reasonable pricing. With our consumer’s needs at heart, we have gladly taken the time to be a part of every step in the creation of Kurativ products.
It all starts at the American hemp farm where we are mindful that this multipurpose plant is grown with care and quality control. This ensures consistency and compliance so that those who enjoy Kurativ are able to do so with confidence. We participate in every part of the process - from plant to product - so that we can feel confident in all that we are able to offer to you.
We offer a wide array of product options that are all made with great scientific understanding of the plant, the extraction process and the potentials of those products made with those compounds. Whether we are offering our high quality Delta 8, CBD or our well-loved CBD / CBG options, at Kurativ, we are continually innovating to bring you the latest whole plant options available so that we can be a welcome part of your wellness journey.
Should you have any questions, we do love to hear from you. Address your questions, comments or concerns by phone or by digital message and we will be back with you shortly.
Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Kurativ CBD have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Consult your physician prior to use if you are pregnant, nursing or using other medications.
Phone: 1(800) 906-0125